Chartered Institute
of Linguists


The Linguist

By Jessica Oppedisano

With the success of on-demand platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, audiovisual translation (AVT) is gaining more and more visibility. Big companies that plan to release their shows on a global scale have to pay attention to the quality of the translations and to the working conditions of their translators. However, translating for these big platforms covers...

Published on Wednesday, 6 May 2020 - 4:22pm
The Linguist
The Linguist


In a small computer room with Mexican-style artwork adorning the walls and Frida Kahlo-inspired cushions softening the benches, Lucy is talking about volunteering at a hispanic nursery while studying for her Spanish A-level. “I went every Saturday morning last term,” says the 17-year-old student at Channing School in North London. “It was really cool to be able to practise speaking...

Published on Wednesday, 22 April 2020 - 12:54pm
The Linguist

By James Mallinson MCIL, winner of the 2019 Best Overall DPSI Candidate and Best DPSI Candidate in English Law.

Published on Friday, 17 April 2020 - 3:21pm
The Linguist

By Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk

In Jonas Jonasson’s The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared, the Swedish protagonist, Allan Karlsson, ends up in Moscow having dinner with Stalin. As well as the dictator, his two cronies and Allan, at the table sits “a little, almost invisible young man without a name and without anything either to eat or to drink”: the...

Published on Wednesday, 8 April 2020 - 4:08pm
The Linguist

CIOL announces the launch of a new partnership scheme to bring businesses and large corporations in closer collaboration.

Organisations that become a CIOL partner agree to follow these values which represent a starting point for continually improving the standing of qualified linguists:

Strive to improve the quality of service provided to customers by using members or qualified...
Published on Tuesday, 7 April 2020 - 11:44am

By Jan Murray

Over the next few weeks and months it will become more important than ever for our community to work together to provide strong support for each other and to ensure that whilst having to socially isolate we don’t become isolated.

We are living in challenging times, each of us facing our own challenges and constant uncertainty.  When we launched our mentoring...

Published on Monday, 6 April 2020 - 4:25pm

By Rachel Holland

It’s less than three weeks since I travelled from Copenhagen to London to attend the first CIOL Conference. Yet how our world has changed since then. When I first drafted this, I wrote about how brilliant it was to spend a day in the company of other translators and linguists – and indeed it was! I also wrote about how energising it was to meet people face to face, as...

Published on Thursday, 26 March 2020 - 1:49pm

By Gabriela Bocanete

The current situation with Coronavirus is causing heightened stress for many people.  We already live in a world of stress and anxiety caused by the news, social media, constantly being online and expected to react/respond within seconds for work, 24/7. Add to that the panic-driven news and the tone with which the politicians have been discussing the contingency...

Published on Friday, 20 March 2020 - 3:50pm

By Ian Fraser, Head of Procurement & Support Services at Leicestershire Police

Leicestershire Police Force is leading on a National Police Framework for language services. Under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 detainees have a legal right to be represented by an interpreter during the evidential process. The new specification developed by the UK Police Service requires...

Published on Thursday, 27 February 2020 - 12:23pm
The Linguist


In the under-representative world of publishing, can a mentorship for a minority ethnic translator make a difference, asks Miranda Moore

It has been five years since journalist Danuta Kean published a report on the severe underrepresentation of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) people in the British literary industry. In addition to a legacy of “white male elitism” that...

Published on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 - 9:16am
The Linguist