Chartered Institute
of Linguists


The Linguist

By Lucy Makepeace

Lucy Makepeace travels to the West African nation to help improve the way Ewe-speaking pupils are taught French

When I went to Senegal on a humanitarian mission in 2018, the level of poverty among the street children and communities I worked with was heartbreaking but sadly not unexpected. What really shocked me was that citizens were expected to speak French...

Published on Thursday, 8 April 2021 - 11:09am
The Linguist
The Linguist

What Andrew Wong learnt from a unique project to translate (in relay) a children’s book based on a political speech

Former Uruguay president José Mujica is known as the world’s poorest president because he donated almost 90% of his salary to the poor. Elected to the country’s top office in 2010, the staunch leftist was a former Tupamaros guerrilla who was imprisoned for about 14 years...

Published on Friday, 26 March 2021 - 10:51am
The Linguist
The Linguist


Bridget Kendall tells CIOL CEO John Worne why her career as a BBC reporter would not have been possible without Russian

Bridget Kendall is perhaps best known as BBC Diplomatic Correspondent, working for both its radio and television networks. She joined the broadcaster in 1983 as a radio production trainee for the BBC World Service and in 1989 became its Moscow Correspondent....

Published on Wednesday, 10 March 2021 - 2:49pm
The Linguist
The Linguist


Victoria Hislop’s love of Greece runs through her eight novels – every one of them set in the country. So much so that she was awarded honorary Greek citizenship in July for promoting the nation’s history and traditions. Though I knew of her reputation as a dedicated hellenophile, I was less aware of her passion for languages when we spoke in October. I discovered a...

Published on Friday, 29 January 2021 - 1:46pm
The Linguist
The Linguist

By Carina Balbo

How Carina Balbo put self-doubt aside and entered the field of linguistic validation

Tuesday 19 June 2012. I will never forget that day. Usually after a job interview you hope with every ounce of your being to get the position. But this time I did not feel so desperate. Instead, I had an inner feeling of ‘what will be, will be’. I checked my emails and saw one...

Published on Wednesday, 13 January 2021 - 2:14pm
The Linguist
The Linguist

By Karl McLaughlin

In the first of three stories from the "Pick of the conference" article in the latest issue of The Linguist, Karl McLaughlin speaks on translating press releases in emergency situations.

In countries that rely heavily on tourism, a less obvious consequence of health-related emergencies and other crisis situations is the need for translation of press releases...

Published on Thursday, 17 December 2020 - 2:22pm
The Linguist
The Linguist

Inspiration, intrigue, advice – whatever you’re looking  for in a podcast, CIOL staff, volunteers and members have it covered.

The Allusionist

The Allusionist is the podcast for language nerds. When it began, it primarily focused on exploring English lexicon, etymology, idioms, slang and more. Over time, Helen Zaltzman’s “adventures in language” have evolved to embrace languages...

Published on Thursday, 3 December 2020 - 2:43pm
The Linguist
The Linguist

By Vasiliki Prestidge

Is a marathon session with a team of creatives and translators an effective way to localise an ad campaign, asks Vasiliki Prestidge.

One evening in February, when Europe was not yet the epicentre of a pandemic, one of my regular agencies called me and asked if I would be available for an on-site, live transcreation assignment. At first, I was rather confused...

Published on Wednesday, 4 November 2020 - 11:23am
The Linguist
The Linguist

By Bernadette Clinton

As the speaking element is removed from the 2021 GCSE, will Year 10s be taught any speaking skills at all?

The closure of UK schools to all but the children of key workers and vulnerable children has had a major impact on the lives and learning of our young people. While many schools worked hard to provide online learning and a phased return for some year...

Published on Wednesday, 21 October 2020 - 10:23am
The Linguist
The Linguist


When Patch Magtanong failed to win Miss International 2019, fans in her native country were quick to blame the interpreter, who was accused of omitting parts of the Filipino contestant’s final speech. Trained to be ‘invisible’ conduits for communication, interpreters suddenly find themselves in the spotlight when working at the ‘Big Four’ pageants (Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss...

Published on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 - 8:58am
The Linguist