Chartered Institute
of Linguists





CIOL CEO John Worne was delighted to be interviewed recently by Gwenydd Jones of The Translator's Studio about the CertTrans.

Gwen asked John what it is, why we created it, who it's for, how it compares to the DipTrans and MAs in Translation and lots more interesting questions, which you can see in the full interview on YouTube here or by clicking on the image...

Published on Tuesday, 5 July 2022 - 10:24pm
CIOL Voices

Some of the work done by the Institute of Fiscal Studies on the impact of undergraduate degrees on lifetime earnings makes for sobering reading for linguists. Their report from a couple of years ago, for instance, suggested that the discounted average lifetime total returns for women in arts and humanities subjects such as creative arts, languages, and philosophy were negative or near-...

Published on Tuesday, 5 July 2022 - 12:12pm
CIOL Voices
The Linguist

R B Lemberg considers their translations of Ukrainian war poets, which reflect their own emotional response to the original poems.

On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation mounted a brutal, full-scale military invasion against Ukraine. Like many members of the Ukrainian diaspora, I was glued to my smartphone, following the fierce Ukrainian resistance with awe and gratitude,...

Published on Wednesday, 29 June 2022 - 11:05am
The Linguist

Amazingly that is a question we get asked a lot. Our answer is of course – yes! We are often surprised that a mentor would even question their value just because they are retired. The sad fact is that retirement means that for many organisations and professions a wealth of knowledge and experience walks out of the door along with the retiree.

This of course needn’t be the case;...

Published on Monday, 27 June 2022 - 3:55pm
CIOL Voices


Deciding to take Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI) exams was one of the most important decisions I have ever made in my life.

Back in 2014, I held a Level-3 Community Interpreting Qualification and I thought it was alright. I enjoyed working for hospitals, schools, and social services although it never really was a full-time job. I, like many newbies in the...

Published on Wednesday, 22 June 2022 - 5:06pm
CIOL Voices
The Linguist

Sue Leschen and Rosalind Howarth outline their distinct perspectives of a murder case across two venues, as interpreters for court and counsel

During a recent assignment on a murder case, Sue Leschen was booked ‘off contract’ (directly by the court and not by the Ministry of Justice’s outsourcing agency) as the ‘court interpreter’ and Rosalind Howarth was booked by the defendant’s...

Published on Wednesday, 15 June 2022 - 3:59pm
The Linguist

Our divisions, societies and networks are run by members, for members, and offer a unique opportunity for language practitioners to come together to network, share ideas, offer support and guidance. Three of our groups; the Interpreting Division, the Business, Professions and Government Division and the Scottish Society are looking for volunteers to join their steering groups. You can be part...

Published on Friday, 10 June 2022 - 11:53am
The Linguist

The CIOL team have been working hard to create a new level 6 translation qualification to meet demand: staff members from different departments explain what the CertTrans means to them

Rob Beswick, Head of Membership

From a membership perspective, I am really pleased to see the development of the CertTrans (Certificate in Translation). For established translators it can be a...

Published on Monday, 6 June 2022 - 1:53pm
The Linguist

One of the great tools that you can access is our mentoring program.

What is mentoring?

The primary role of a mentor is to use the experience and knowledge they have gained in their career to help guide a mentee towards their future career ambitions.

A good mentor should be unconnected with a mentee’s day-to-day work, in order to provide objectivity and a bring a focus on...

Published on Friday, 27 May 2022 - 3:42pm
CIOL Voices

I’m delighted to have the opportunity to meet with a group of such distinguished linguists and managers of highly specialised language services. I am a languages graduate myself and call myself a linguist, but I am acutely aware that my skills are very amateur indeed compared to yours, despite some decades ago actually having worked and volunteered as an interpreter now and again....

Published on Thursday, 12 May 2022 - 7:48pm
CIOL Voices